Tuesday, April 19, 2011

'Bono' is featured in a group and it's not U2!

It is very validating and exciting for me that my pencil drawing of Bono has been placed this week in the 'featured artwork' of a Redbubble art group!  I have no idea how long it will be there, but while it is, anyone visiting the home page of the group will see it.

That is pretty significant because otherwise the art gets mixed in with hundreds, if not thousands of other work submitted into the group from it's members.  I am very honored to have my drawing selected for the feature page, especially so soon after joining red bubble.

Bono from U2 pencil drawing artwork

Or link directly to the image: http://www.redbubble.com/bono 

I'm thinking the next art I work on might be another pencil drawing of a famous person. I haven't decided who yet, so if anyone has any suggestions, let me know k? thanks ;)