Sunday, September 29, 2013

Where Does the Month Go?

September is almost over, it has been a very creative month. Today I'm working on what will likely be my last #paintseptember painting which I will post when complete, but meanwhile, here is the next one painted after those posted already below. A brightly colored, stylized version of a flower  - acrylic paint on canvas.

Abstract Flower Painting Artwork

Following that painting, I was inspired by something I saw one night while outside. I looked up and the moon was for a very brief moment peaking through from between the clouds. I photographed it (which was of course blurry and non defined seeing as I used my phone), but it did give me enough to go on for inspiration to paint this next one - acrylic paint on canvas.

Full moon painting artwork

While trying to decide what to paint next, I thought to give painting some rocks I have collected a go - I've collected many rocks over the years and as I was going through them to decide which ones to paint, came across the three heart shaped rocks that I'd found while digging through the garden. This first photo is the work in progress, showing the actual rocks and the water color pencils that I used to create the drawing, with the first one painted.

Original artwork in progress

This is the finished artwork, though I may still add a background - haven't decided yet, but for now it is complete.

Heart shaped rocks artwork

Have a great Sunday everyone and keep the creative juices flowing! Now back to #paintseptember number 7 :)

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